Single File Transfer: Download

The Download Single File window allows you to download a single file from your host to your PC. You may both specify the file you wish to transfer on your host system, and also provide a name and path for the file as you would like to appear on your PC.


To access the Download Single File window, open the FileSWEEP menu and choose FileSWEEP Download.



The Download Single File window offers the following options.




You must enter the filename, and path, where you wish to download from your host in this box, i.e. "C:\Data\somefile.ext". Your filenames and paths must be eight characters or less, excluding a three character file extension. You may abbreviate longer file and directory names with the tilde "~" character, i.e. "C:\Progra~1\Longna~1.ext" for "C:\Program Files\Longnamedfile.ext".


If you prefer, you may select this button and navigate through your directories to find the file the path and filename location where you would like to download.


You must enter the filename to download from your host system in this box. This filename must conform to the naming conventions of your host system.


Data Formatting

Format To Use

Use this option to select a format to apply to the file you download. You may wish to use this to prepare files from your host so you can work with them in your Windows applications. You may add formats to this list and modify formats if your press the [Maintain Formats] button and work with the Maintain Formats window.

Auto-Detect Based On Micro File Name

Check this box and FileSWEEP will search through your formats and apply the first one which corresponds to the file you've chosen to download. (The matching name appears in the Format To Use box.)

[Additional Options]

This button allows you to configure record delimiters, lengths, and other attributes of the file you download. It opens the Download Options window.

[Maintain Formats]

This button allows you to add, remove, and modify formats through the Maintain Formats window.


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