Status Lines

The status bar across the bottom of every environment displays status information about the currently active environment.


The status bar offers the following information in each of its boxes, in the following order, from left to right:


Connection Status

RCV indicates the terminal emulator is in Receive mode, waiting for responses from the host. LOCAL indicates that the terminal emulator is not currently, actively connected to the host. ENQ indicates that the host has sent a message to the terminal while the terminal is in LOCAL mode.

Control/Search Mode

When CTRL appears in the box, the environment is in Control mode. “Search N” will be displayed when in search mode. The “N” will be the search string.

Forms Mode

When the FORM message appears, the environment is in forms mode. When the box is empty, forms mode is disabled.

Insert Mode

The phrases “INS/LINE” and “INS/PAGE” appear to indicate what kind of insert mode has been activated. When insert mode is deactivated, this box is empty.

Cursor Location

Indicates the cursor position in row, column, and page format.

Environment Name

Indicates the name of the current environment. When recording a macro, this field will display “RECORD.”


If you have licensed SSL (Secure Socket Layer), the letters “SSL” will appear to the right of the status line.




The Status Line at the bottom of the terminal screen





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