With CTCBridge, You Can . . .

In this section of topics, you will find explanations of the capabilities of the CTCBridge terminal emulator. Each topic title finishes the phrase “With CTCBridge, you can . . .”.

Keep in mind that these are also things that your administrator can prevent you from changing or saving. If the Save options under the File menu are dimmed, you are not allowed to save any of the changes you might make. Contact your administrator about saving modifications.


The topics below are arranged under general headings. Click on a link below to jump to the specific topic you are interested in.



The menus and menu items you see in your CTCBridge session might differ from those mentioned in this documentation depending on the settings your administrator has chosen.



Environments and Sessions




File Transfer



Cut, Copy, and Paste


Specialized Features of CTCBridge


Screen Appearance


Changing the Functionality of CTCBridge


Instant Messaging