Print Files/Data

With administrator permission, you can print files and data directly from your host system to your local or network printer. To do so requires a separate printing environment. Your session might open with a printing environment already set for you to print. The print environment is a small window usually in a corner of your screen with the work “Idle” in the middle of it.


If you need to print but your printing environment is closed, follow these steps to open one:

  1. From the File menu, select Printer Environments. The Printer Environments window will open.

  2. Select the name of the printing environment provided to you by the administrator.



If your administrator has not configured a printing environment for you, contact him or her. He or she will have to provide you with the appropriate information or configure an environment for you.


  1. Click [OK].

The PPT Environment will open. The window will contain the word “Idle”. You are now ready to send files or data from your host to your printer.


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