Search for Screen Characters

The T27 terminal emulator gives you the capability to search for a specific character on a screen. This is accomplished strictly through keystrokes.


Follow the steps below to search the screen:

Authority to Search

Before you can search, you have to have the authority to do so.

  1. On the Keyboard Setup window from the Configure menu, enable the Allow Search item.

  2. Click [OK].



If you don’t know what your T27 terminal CTRL key is, open the Change Control Key window from the Help menu. This window will tell you what button on your keyboard is currently mapped as the CTRL key. The default CTRL key is the [Esc] key.


Performing a Search

There are four steps to searching: turning search mode on, defining the character to search for, moving through the character instances on the screen to find the one you want, and turning off search mode. The following keystrokes perform these actions in order.

  1. [CTRLkey], [a]

  2. [CTRLkey], [e], character to search for

  3. [Shift] + [Tab] (repeat at necessary)

  4. [CTRLkey], [s]


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