Open Configurations

With administrator permission, you can open configurations other than the one that opens when you enter CTCBridge. A “configuration,” in this case, is a different set of CTCBridge options such as environment definition, host connection options, or any other CTCBridge menu item that can be used to customize a CTCBridge session for different users or different purposes. Most administrators will limit their users to one configuration, so you will see the first two File menu options dimmed.


Follow the steps below to open a new or a different configuration:

  1. From the File menu, select New Configuration or Open Configuration.

  2. A message box will appear asking you if you want to exit out of the current configuration and enter another. Click [OK] to switch to a new or different configuration.

  3. If you have to sign in to a new configuration, CTCBridge will ask for your user name and/or password. If you are only assigned to one configuration, it will automatically reopen the same configuration you just exited.


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