File Menu

The File Menu contains options for working with configuration files, printing, and exiting from CTCBridge.




New Configuration

Closes current configuration and opens a new, default configuration.

Open Configuration

Closes current configuration. Will either open the same configuration again if the user only has access to one configuration or will ask the user to enter a user code designating a different configuration. An administrator will be given a choice of all recognized configuration files.

Save Configuration

Saves the current configuration under an existing name.

Save Configuration As

Saves the current configuration, but gives you the opportunity to rename it first.

Save Form to Disk

Saves the current screen form to disk.

Restore Form from Disk

Restores a previously saved screen form from disk.

Print Screen to HTML

Converts the text components of the current terminal screen to an HTML-generated version in a separate browser window or in the CTCBridge Print Capture window.

Quick Print

JPrint ONLY: Prints screen directly to your printer. Does not appear on the menu when JPrint is not installed.

Print . . .

  • When Use Print Capture Window is enabled on the General Setup window from the Configure menu, Print . . . opens the Print Capture window.

  • When Use Print Capture Window is disabled on the General Setup window from the Configure menu, Print . . . opens a printer setup window.

Install JPrint

The administrator can choose to add this menu item to give you the choice of installing JPrint on your machine.

Who's Where Messaging

Launches the Who's Where Messaging window to send and receive messages from other online users.

Terminal Environments

Shows you how many of your terminal environments are available and allows you to open, edit, delete, create or close environments.

Printer Environments

Shows you how many of your printer environments are available and allows you to open, edit, delete, create or close environments.

Close Environment

Closes current environment. If current environment is the only one, exits from CTCBridge and defaults browser to an administrator-determined URL or IP address. If Allow Close Window option in the General Setup window is disabled, this option is dimmed.

Exit from all Environments

Exits from all environments and from CTCBridge. Defaults browser to an administrator-determined URL or IP address.



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