Edit Menu

The Edit menu offers you cut, copy, and paste options as well as the ability to clear all text from the clipboard. There are also features that act like copy and paste but don’t require mouse movements.



Removes selected text from the screen and stores it on the clipboard for future placement.


Makes a copy of selected text on the screen and stores it on the clipboard for future placement.


Places the current text stored on the clipboard at the cursor point on the screen.

Clear Clipboard

Deletes all text currently stored on the clipboard. Paste will not work after Clear Clipboard until more text is cut or copied into the clipboard.



Non-Mouse Copying and Pasting for T27



Places mark character on the screen to designate the beginning of a section of text.


Places a bound character on the screen to designate the end of the marked section of text.


Stores the marked and bound text (makes a copy of it). This text is not stored in the cut/copy clipboard.


Pastes the stored text at the current cursor position.



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