Special Menu

The Special menu offers menu items to emulate common terminal keys that communicate with the  host. Actual keystrokes and keystroke combinations are listed in oard ShortcutsT27 Keyboard Shortcuts.



Transmit data from the cursor or Start of Entry position.

Transmit Line

(Transmit Line) Only the line or field with the cursor is transmitted to the host.


Evokes the Receive Mode in which the terminal is waiting for shot messages. The terminal is almost always in this default mode.


Makes the terminal unreceptive to data from the mainframe. If the host sends anything to the terminal while it is in LOCAL mode, an ENQ message will appear on the status line, placing the terminal into enquiry mode.


Asks the host for a description of the item at the current cursor position. The description appears at the bottom of the terminal screen just above the status lines. If the phrase “SPCFY again for more” appears in the upper right-hand corner of the terminal screen, clicking [Specify] will open the host’s help for the selected item.


Evokes control mode for keystroke combination commands. When the CTRL key is unknown, this menu item can substitute for the keystroke.

Write ETX

Write an End of Text character either to the screen or in the memory at the current cursor position. Where the character is written (screen or memory) is determined by the Write ETX in Memory option on the Datacomm Setup window.


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