View Menu

The View menu contains options for moving between environments and for moving the terminal screen within an environment.


Forms Mode

Toggles the terminal screen in and out of forms mode. Forms mode changes entry lines into fields and prevents any text being written anywhere on the screen other than in the designated fields. This functionality can be disabled on the Keyboard Setup window.

Next Page

Moves to the next page of the current terminal screen when multiple pages exist. After the last page in the sequence, clicking [Next] will wrap to the first page of the terminal screen.

Previous Page

Moves to the previous page of the current terminal screen when multiple pages exist. Clicking [Prev] from the first page will wrap to the last page of the terminal screen.

Next Environment

Moves to the environment next in numerical order.

Previous Environment

Moves to the environment next in reverse numerical order.

Active Environment

Choose an open environment name to bring it to the front of your screen and make it the current environment. Choose an unopened environment to open it and make it the current one.

Roll Up

Forms mode only. Moves the whole screen up one line. The top row wraps around to the bottom.

Roll Down

Forms mode only. Moves the whole screen down one line. The bottom row wraps around to the top.

Line Movement Up

Moves the row designated by the cursor up one line. This action does not delete any screen rows. When the row is the top one on the screen, it wraps to the bottom.

Line Movement Down

Moves the row designated by the cursor down one line. This action does not delete any screen rows. When the row is the bottom one on the screen, it wraps to the top.

Reverse Video

Reverses the Fore and Back color choices on the Color Setup window.


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