Tools Submenu

The Tools Submenu from the Help Menu contains features used to diagnose problems with CTCBridge and MultiBridge. These features will be most often used by your system or network administrator in consultation with a Core Technology Corporation support representative.


If you have a problem with your CTCBridge, contact your administrator. He or she might direct you to use one or several of these options; however, it is more likely he or she will use these features to solve your problem.


The Tools Submenu contains the following items:



Enables or disables tracing.

Character Map

Contains a list of keyboard characters supported and recognized by the CTCBridge emulator for JDK version 1.1. Pressing a key while in the Character Map window will demonstrate what character is assigned to what keystroke or combination of keystrokes. There is also a list of assigned keystrokes available through this window. See Character Map for more information.

Log Message

Opens the Log Message window. Type a message to be inserted in a trace file and the SIM log, marking certain places in the file.

Trace Screen

Writes screen information to the Java console of the browser. The text on the screen is written into the console.

Trace Status

Writes status information for each character on the screen to the Java console of the browser. The status value indicates color, protected, and other information about the character.



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