Terminal Environments

The Terminal Environments window allows you to view the total number of environments you have and how many are available. It allows you to use configurations from the current environment when creating or editing environments. It also allows you to perform a variety of other functions.


The Terminal Environments window contains the following options:


Opens additional environments.

N of N possible environments are open: (N=number) The number of unconfigured environments is listed out of the number of total possible environments. With at least one environment always open, the number available for opening will always be at least one less than the total.

List box: Lists the names of the environments already configured. Default names are “Term N” where “N” is a number.

Use configurations from current environment: When enabled, a new environment will open with the same configuration options as the current environment. When disabled, a new environment will open with the original CTCBridge default settings for environments.


Allows you to edit the highlighted environment. Change the name, device name, device name retries and display Type here. You can also edit Connection settings. (See below.)


Highlight the environment you want to delete and click [Delete].


Create new environment.


Closes the Terminal Environments window.



The Terminal Environments window



See Environment Configuration for details on the options available when creating and modifying an environment.


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