
CTCBridge provides several tools for troubleshooting the applet and the server connection. Most of these are accessed through the Help menu’s submenu Tools. These options are used most often to diagnose internal applet problems. You can also troubleshoot through the HTML files to find problems that occur from the beginning of the connection process.


The Tools Submenu contains the following items:



Turns trace on/off to diagnose problems in CTCBridge.

Character Map

Contains a list of keyboard characters supported and recognized by the CTCBridge emulator for JDK version 1.1. Pressing a key while in the Character Map window will demonstrate what character is assigned to what keystroke or combination of keystrokes. There is also a list of assigned keystrokes available through this window. See Character Map for more information.

Log Message . . .

Opens the Log Message window. Type a message to be inserted in the SIM’s trace file as well as the browser’s Java console, marking certain places in the files.

Trace Screen

Writes screen information to the Java console of the browser. The text on the screen is written into the Java console.

Trace Status

Writes character information to the Java console of the browser. Each text character on the terminal screen is assigned a character value and listed by row and column.





Troubleshoot Through The HTML File

In the given HTML file you wish to use, you can change the DEBUG applet parameter so it equals “T”. This will automatically enable all of the trace options when anyone loads this file with his or her browser.



You can automatically open the Trace Options window when you start CTCBridge if you use a Debug parameter of “A” for “Ask”:




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